3 Fads for Reducing Belly Fat You Should Stay Away From

3 Fads for Reducing Belly Fat You Should Stay Away From

Why does it seem that every few months there’s some crazy new way to get rid of belly fat? Celebrities, celebrity trainers, and TV doctors are always coming up with some wild and off-the-wall option to help people “lose weight fast” or “drop 30 pounds in 24 hours.” We’ve been keeping an eye on the […]

What Every Woman Needs to Know to Achieve Her Desired Body Composition Goals

What Every Woman Needs to Know to Achieve Her Desired Body Composition Goals

Admit it, after ploughing through countless resources, you’re nowhere near towards gaining clarity on how you can start changing your body composition.  One website will tell you to simply eat more protein and count calories. Meanwhile, a female fitness YouTuber swears by her ketogenic diet and daily kettlebell workouts.  Clashing views and information on women’s health and […]

Causes of Overeating

Causes of Overeating

Why is it that human beings are the only creatures on the earth who suffer with the never-ending cycle of over eating and dieting?  Because we are the only creatures which eat emotionally!  While it’s a fact that over 40-percent of UK citizens are now classified as overweight, less than 0.01-percent of other creatures eat […]

The 3 Very Real Dangers of Diet Drinks

The 3 Very Real Dangers of Diet Drinks

 As summer finally appears to be with us, you might be tempted to dust off the barbeque and reach for a “healthy” chilled  diet drink.  Read on and then decide if you want to seek out an alternative.    There was a time when “diet drinks” were all the rage. People saw that there was no sugar in their Diet […]

Does Caffeine Really Stimulate Fat Loss?

Does Caffeine Really Stimulate Fat Loss?

Billions of people around the world drink coffee or tea to start the day. It’s a fine way to kick the proverbial engine into gear. The kick, of course, is largely due to the caffeine content in these beverages. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant and an appetite suppressant, but you probably already knew that.  Less […]

An Addiction Like No Other

An Addiction Like No Other

If you’ve ever tried to cut back on junk food, you may have realized that it is easier said than done.  We tend to get cravings, the brain starts calling for these foods.  Even though our rational, conscious mind “knows” that they are bad for us, some other part of our brain seems to disagree. […]

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