Are you sabotaging your efforts without knowing it?

Feel like you’re doing all the right things but still not shifting the weight? Exercising, eating healthily, taking all the supplements and following every diet tip on the market…. Sound familiar? Well, there might be some other factors impacting your weight loss journey (and no, it’s not your genetics)…. It could be YOU.  Continue reading […]

The Dangers of Yo-Yo Dieting 

We’ve all done it. Planning on losing weight for a special event or holiday, only to get to 2 weeks before and not started yet, then panic on taking up drastic action in the form of a crash diet to shift the weight. Then, as soon as it’s over, return to your previous unhealthy eating. […]

Meet the Team – Get to know our Clinic Manager, Gillian

Gillian is Clinic Manager for Leeds and Harrogate. Leeds born and bred, she has been married 13 years (and with the company the same amount of time!) Very family oriented, Gillian enjoys long Sunday walks with their family dog, Max. An avid believer in practising what she preaches, Gillian loves to live an active lifestyle, […]

Meet the Team – Get to know our Managing Director

Natalie is the Managing Director of Alevere and has worked in the company since 2011. Rather than the usual blurb, we wanted to find out some interesting facts about Nat, as our human approach, looking after real people is paramount to how Alevere works.  Natalie is from the North East of England and her favourite […]

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