Understanding Overeating: A Guide to Controlling Your Appetite

Woman Overeating

Eating a bit too much at a family gathering, or snacking on some chocolate biscuits in the evening, is something we’ve all done at one point or another. While there’s nothing wrong with a break from the norm every now and then, indulging the appetite too much can be quite an issue. Whether it be […]

Why You Need to Know Your Body Fat Percentage

Body Fat Percentage

Do you know what your body fat percentage is, right now? What range is considered ideal for your gender? Or why should you even care? Your body fat percentage is a value that tells you how much of your body weight is made up of fat. In terms of your overall health, your body fat […]

Understanding Emotional Eating: Why It Happens & How Control It

Emotional Eating

Sadness and anger are two of the most common reasons you may be overeating, but neither will be suppressed by food.  We recommend keeping a journey to highlight valuable trends and insights into what may be causing these binge occasions. As the saying goes, what is measured can be managed, and seeing the data in […]

6 Reasons to Lose 3 Stone (& how to keep the Weight off)

6 Reasons to Lose 3 Stone

If you’re overweight, losing 3 stone could be life-changing. It might seem like a lot at first. 3 stone, or 42 lbs. But over the course of a year, it’s not that much. In fact, it’s only 3.5 lbs a month – less than 1 lb a week. The trick is consistency. In this article, […]

How to Stop Overeating Once and For All

How to Stop Overeating Once and For All

You had one too many drinks last Saturday evening because it’s the weekend anyway! At dinner last night, your dessert craving for chocolate cake turned out to be a binge – one tempting slice after another. And today,  you stuffed yourself with five buttery rolls at the office potluck. You originally intended to have only […]

Can You Target Belly Fat (or any fat area?)

Everyone has their problem spots. You might build up fat in your belly pretty easily, but your friend might get it in her arms.  Your mum might complain about her hips getting bigger, whilst your brother might have fat in the upper body. Everyone wishes that they could just magically reduce fat mass in a […]

The Benefits of Losing Weight

The Benefits of Losing Weight

Keep Heart Disease at Bay​ Maintaining a healthy weight helps your health enormously. By being in a healthy weight range you reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. All of which can contribute towards heart disease. Even if you already have one of the aforementioned conditions, keeping yourself […]

What Happens to Your Body Composition When You Starve to Lose Weight

What Happens to Your Body Composition When You Starve to Lose Weight

You may have a few (or more) extra pounds you want to lose. What do you do? Naturally, like most people, you turn to tried and true methods of weight loss, diet and exercise. You begin running or hitting the weights a few days a week. You start to tighten up your diet, omitting junk […]

Twenty Calories

Twenty Calories

Next time someone tells us, as the World Health Organization does on its website, that the way to prevent “the burden of obesity” is “to achieve energy balance and a healthy weight,” this is the number that should come immediately to mind. Twenty calories. Next time we’re told, as the NHS Choices website tells us, […]

The Top 3 Reasons Diets Fail (and how to stay on course)

The Top 3 Reasons Diets Fail (and how to stay on course)

It’s New Year and like thousands of others you have decided this year will be the year you get in shape.  You probably noticed a small burst of motivation after choosing what your diet and training plans would look like. That sense of finally moving in the right direction…it can be pretty exciting. And it […]

The Maximum Amount of Weight You Could Realistically Gain in One Day

The Maximum Amount of Weight You Could Realistically Gain in One Day

Cue one big collective sigh of relief. Of course you try your very best to stick to a relatively healthy diet and exercise plan. But some days, you’re bound to go overboard—after all, you’re only human. Perhaps it’s stressful at work and you just can’t stop munching; perhaps you had one too many G&T’s at […]

Rubber Gastric Band or an Iron Will?

Rubber Gastric Band or an Iron Will?

When losing weight seems difficult it can be tempting to look into surgical options like the gastric band. However, this weight loss surgery is not a miracle cure or an easy way to lose weight, and you should make sure you educate yourself about the procedure, its risks and less invasive alternatives. The first step […]

Pill Invented That Makes You Lose Weight Without Any Exercise

Pill Invented That Makes You Lose Weight Without Any Exercise

Could a wonder pill make you lose weight and get fit without lifting a finger? Scientists are allegedly on the brink of inventing tablets that will give us lean bodies without the effort. Millions of us spend less than 30 minutes a week doing any form of exercise By contrast, most of us spend at […]

The Powerlessness of Willpower

The Powerlessness of Willpower

I write this month’s article whilst at a departure gate in a Texas Airport Airport. I have been out here at a conference and I’ve been able to spend a little time sight-seeing and food-spotting. It’s astounding just how many opportunities there are to develop obesity here! The real challenge is this: the human body […]

Seven Common Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

Seven Common Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight

It’s that time of year, six weeks have past since that New Years Resolution and while you lost quite a lot of weight at first without much effort, you have now reached a plateau and all your hard work does not appear to be paying dividends when you step on the scales. So here are […]